Important Information

Kia ora, due to overseas travelling, I won't be able to reply to your enquiry from September 1st to October 8th. But please feel free to leave me a message or email me, I will get back to you once I'm back to Wellington.

Ngā mihi. Fei 

Matariki and Deep Winter

As time approaching the end of June, we are entering the Deep winter: The nights are long and dark, the air is damp and cold, and the coronavirus has crawled back to Aotearoa. Many may be suffering from winter blue. Yet, it's also the time of Matariki, a new beginning, a fresh start. It's the perfect time for self-revealing, healing and creating.

When you are feeling low, it's your being calls out for attention and love. So, please don't be alarmed and scared, and never run away or cover it up. Just sit down, give yourself some time and space to reveal what is going on inside. Listen to your inner being and connect with it. Whatever comes up, it's a good time to deal with it. In most times, listening, attention and unconditional love for self is the best healing in the world. You might need someone else to assist you, family, friends or therapy professionals, but the fact is -- you are the one who has the healing power; you are the one who has the key to your healing journey.

 Take care and stay warm and cosy in the deep winter.

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Come and Dance after a long COVID break!

After a long COVID break, the New Zealand School of Dance is re-opened to the public; and Dance with Your Soul is back to the stage eventually!

Let's give this winter some dance heat!! Come and join the fun.

It will be on Sunday, August 9th, at 2-3pm.

Dance Studio 3, New Zealand School of Dance, 11 Hutchison St, Newtown.