Holistic counselling covers a wide range of issues, from anxiety and depression to trauma healing, relationship issues, self-realisation, and much more. There is no limit to healing, we can talk about anything. I truly believe that everyone needs and deserves a sincere listening ear with unconditional care. And this is what my practice offers.   

Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression have become a more and more “common condition” nowadays. Many of us can relate to them at least at some point in our lives. It’s important to know that anxiety and depression are not something we need to fear, rather, they are human’s natural emotional responses to external stresses and triggers. In other words, they are the results of our survival instincts. What makes real differences in our lives is how to deal with them. 

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Trauma Healing

Everyone is most likely to encounter trauma/s in life despite the scales of the event. It can be bullying from school or workplace, physical or emotional insult, war, natural disasters, and the list goes on. Although human beings are an extremely resilient species, all traumas do leave traces in us, they affect our minds, emotions, biology, and even immune systems.

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Relationship Counselling

Relationships, especially intimate relationships might well be the most challenging task in our lives. Treating a partner as an enemy is not a rare occurrence. Unfortunately, hating our partner or treating him/her badly does not make ourselves any better or happier, quite the contrary indeed. Relationship tension is a killer at home, it also hurts ourselves inside out.

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Do you really know yourself well? Are you connected to your true self? The exploration and discovery of oneself are infinite, and this might be what we come to this life for: to know yourself, and to understand life. To know who you are, and to be comfortable with who you are, no matter what others think about you, is the secrecy of being a content and happy person.


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